Sunday, November 18, 2012

Chapter 12 Question 3

This whole week we have been evaluating everything we see and hear through the scientific process. When using this process of making a hypothesis and testing and using observations, we might have to change our hypothesis based on what we see. This leads me to my post about criteria for evaluating a scientific hypothesis. I think this is really important because we need a solid and well-reasoned hypothesis to begin with. First we need to decide if the problem we are trying to figure out is relevant. Next we see if it is consistent with other theories that are already tested and established. We also need to make sure our hypothesis is in the simplest for we can put it in. This is important so that there is not gray area, it must be clear. Next we have to be able to test our hypothesis and uncover any falsifiable objections. Lastly we can then decide if our hypothesis can be used to predict other outcomes to similar events. 

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