Saturday, November 3, 2012

Chapter 10 Question 2

The argument between Wootan and Liodice is whether or not the government should regulate the advertisements aimed towards children regarding their food. Wootan believes and makes an argument for creating more strict regulations and having the government step in to change the way advertisements are handled concerning children’s food. He thinks this is important because of the rising numbers of obese children. Liodice is on the other side of the spectrum and does not think that marketing strategies should be regulated by the government regardless if it is concerning children’s food or not. He thinks that it is an issue of freedom of speech, and that needs to be protected above anything else. Liodice also acknowledges Wootan’s concerns but in the end gives a stronger argument and backs his own beliefs up more. I think that Liodice did a better job at making his point because I do not think it is the food manufacturers responsibility to make sure their customers eat well-balanced meals. Most things bad for you in excess, and a little junk food is usually part of every kid’s childhood. It’s the parent’s, not an outside company’s, responsibility to make sure that junk food is not the majority of their children’s diet.

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