Sunday, November 11, 2012

Chapter 11 Question 3

This week I wanted to focus on my blog post of analyzing and the interpretation of media messages. I think since the media is a huge part of most aspects of our lives, we should be able to pick and choose what we believe is the truth out of those messages. THiNK gives us steps to follow to analyze the media message we are confronted with to then decide for ourselves whether it is something valuable. These are great tips since there is a lot of biased material out there in all types of media. First we need to consider who created the message, what is the purpose of the message and what techniques were used to attract and hold the attention of the audience. Next, it is important to notice what values and points of view are represented and what your own reaction was to the message. The reaction that you had needs to be analyzed too to decide if it was reasonable and well informed as well. Next we need to think of how others would interpret the message, if it is biased, and if the message has good reasoning and facts. Lastly, the possible effects of the message on individuals and society need to be considered. If we use these steps we are sure to be able to critically think about media and their messages.

On a different note... In the book it says President Obama has 8 million Facebook followers. Now that number is up to 33 million! 

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