Sunday, September 30, 2012

Chapter 2 Question 3

This chapter was really interesting because it touches on so many topics that are so important to most people. God and faith, evolution, reason, emotions, technology, age, and gender are all topics that were discussed in chapter 2. One topic that really caught my attention was the Dreams and Problem Solving section. I had never previously thought of dreaming as something that expressed anything other then emotions. I felt as if fear, happiness, sadness, stress, etc would be shown in our dreams in one form or another, but not “how to fit all your furniture into your dorm room or small apartment”. This is interesting because it is showing us that our dreams have more practical uses as well. The book discussed about how our dreams can lead us to logical decisions about two things that in our conscious mind, might seem unrelated. This is something I found really interesting (and useful) as it is not something you hear everyday. It means our dreams might help us answer every day questions.

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