Thursday, September 27, 2012

Chapter 2 Question 1

When choosing a career path it is important to think of your strengths and weaknesses. Doing something that I do not enjoy and struggle at, usually will lead me to switch the path I am on. I am currently a marketing major and I believe that it really plays to my strengths. I am good at math and science, but a more open ended, creative type of career has always sparked my interests. My strengths are definitely being logical and creative at the same time. The creative part of my mind helps immensely for coming up with new ideas and strategies in marketing to individuals and groups of people. With the other strength of mine, being overly logical, it helps in a business environment. I am able to think things through and keep my emotions in check, which is really important in a setting that involves people’s opinions and money, which a lot of business revolves around. My weaknesses are definitely math related. I am able to be successful in math-centered classes or jobs, but I dislike it so much that I now avoid it at all costs. Doing something you like makes all the difference.

1 comment:

  1. Hello SjsuFM,
    I like this post a lot, I think I say that about all your posts. This was interesting because I seems that we have a bit of opposite thinking process about our future careers. I am an Aviation Management Major and which demands more logic then creativeness, I will need to be able to comunicate with a multitude of people and be able to assist them all. This will require me to have a logical mind set in order to takle all my problems. However, like you perfectly stated it "doing some that i do not enjoy and struggle at, usually will lead me to switch the path i am on" but I do like the path I am on, which is why I know Ill be successful at.

