Thursday, September 13, 2012

Chapter 7 Question 1

Premise: I work as a preschool teacher.
Premise: Within the last week I elected to pick up more hours at my job.
Conclusion: Chances are that I enjoy working as a preschool teacher.

The closest inductive argument that I could think of that happened to me in the past week was work related (mostly because I am either at SJSU or my work). I jumped on the opportunity to pick up more hours at my job. Yes, the money is going to help a lot but I would have never accepted more hours if I did not like my job. Since I am a preschool teacher you either love the job or hate the job. The premises are that I work at a preschool, and also that I gladly picked up more hours at this job. The suggested conclusion is that I like my job enough to happily accept more hours since I enjoy being a preschool teacher so much.


  1. Hello SjsuFM,
    I liked your break down of your inductive argument. I am quite envious of your job since not a lot of people, like myself, can stand where they are working for various reasons. I hope you get the hours that you are in search for. As for the post I really liked how you walked us bit by bit of what and hoe you came to the conclusion that this was an inductive argument. I also had a question looking at your blog I decided to think of your argument as a causal argument. Am I wrong? I thought this because you claimed to like your job therefore you happily welcome more work hours. I saw a cause and effect. Thanks all have a great weekend.


  2. Hello SjsuFM,
    I like your inductive argument! Before I read your conclusion, I thought that it would be "always exhausted", or something along the lines of being tired because being a preschool teacher is draining! I feel as if preschool children have so much energy all the time. Some children don't even want to take naps! Anyway, I can see how this is an inductive argument. It may not always be true that someone who is a preschool teacher would accept more hours because they can enjoy the job; it can also be that they may need more money to support their family or the way that they live. Many people get jobs that they don't like because they need some sort of income to survive.
