Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Chapter 3 Question 1

Sally Ride embodies a great critical thinker in many ways. Ever since she was a child there are examples of how she was developing her critical thinking skills. In the article there are accounts of Sally enjoying the process of focusing and problem solving. As a young adult these skills were put to work in her college career, and Sally would concentrate, be creative, and critically think, which then paid off in the huge opportunities she had in NASA. On page 12 the main points of a critically thinker are as follows:

Have good analytical skills
Possess effective communication skills
Be well informed and possess good research skills
Be flexible and be able to tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty
Adopt a position of open-minded skepticism
Be a creative problem solver
Be attentive, mindful, and intellectually curious
Engage in collaborative learning

In her very short bio it shows that Sally Ride clearly has the analytical, communication, and problem solving skills. She also showed to be creative, open minded and generally well rounded and is therefore a great critical thinker.

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