Sunday, October 21, 2012

Chapter 4 Question 3

My favorite topic from this week is about Kant’s ethical philosophy. Although I am a business major rather then philosophy, one of my favorite aspects of philosophical was thought experiments. This is when we used situations in (very odd) ways to practice and use theories. With Kant’s ideas about how we treat people, it can be applied to any sort of situation. Kant says to not treat people as just a means but as an end as well. Meaning, people are not just tools for what your own personal goals are, but they have their own goals as well. It is immoral to treat people as if they do not have their own ends themselves. I think that we are often taught in college about how to manage people and how to be the upper level employees. We are not always taught about the people that might be under us in our line of work. I think Kant’s theory for how to treat other people is a really important thing to keep in mind.

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