Sunday, December 9, 2012

Final Blog Question 3

I think the most difficult thing for me to grasp in this course would be the organization of sentence structure in an argument. I unfortunately was one of those children who lost out on learning real grammar based on the fact that spell check was readily available. Since I never really understood grammar principals its difficult for me to pick our more complex sections of an argument. I remember the nouns, verbs, etc but putting it into practice of setting up and dissecting arguments gets muddled for me. Other then that I would say that the wrap up blog that was posted for our class was really helpful for me. It gave me things out of the chapter that were especially important in a summarized version. It pointed out things to me that I needed to focus on more and what our professor wanted us to study from the chapter. Overall I was able to keep up and understand most of everything we went over in this course, which is great!

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